Bret Keisling is joined by Kevin Burns, co-founder and director of the Sand Mountain Cooperative Education Center and co-founder of the upcoming Alabama Center for Employee Ownership (ALCEO), part of the Employee Ownership Expansion Network (EOX). Kevin discusses their innovative work educating young people about employee ownership and the potential impact on rural Alabama. The conversation delves into the prospects and challenges of promoting employee ownership, and the importance of integrating it into academic and business settings. The episode offers valuable insights into the growing movement for employee ownership in Alabama and beyond.
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Episode 272 Show Notes
Resources and influences Kevin Burns referenced in this episode:
Kevin spoke about the influence Mondragon has on his efforts. Here's a great article about Mondragon.
Previous guest Hali Gibson has been an important part of the efforts to grow EO in Alabama. Hali appeared on the Podcast on January,2022 on The EsOp Podcast Episode 184: Hali Gibson of Threaded Fasteners, Inc.
We'd love to hear from you! You can find us on Facebook at EO Podcast Network and on Twitter [X] @EsOpPodcast. This podcast has been produced by Bret Keisling for the EO Podcast Network. Original music composed by Max Keisling. Branding and marketing by BitsyPlus Design.
Standard Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are my own and don't represent those of my own firms or the organizations to which I belong. Nothing in the podcast should be construed as guidance or advice of any kind in any field and the fact that I mentioned an organizational website or an advocate or a company on a podcast does not reflect an endorsement, but if you've heard your name or your group's name mentioned on this podcast, I'd love to have you come on and talk about it yourself.