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204: Equity Compensation and The Florida Center for EO

EsOp Podcast Episode 204: M. John Burgess, Equity Compensation and The Florida Center for EO

Bret Keisling is joined by M. John Burgess, Esq. of Shumaker, a Tampa-based Equity Compensation, Employee Benefits, and ESOP Attorney, and board member of the Florida Center for Employee Ownership (FLCEO). John discusses incorporating equity comp before and after ESOP transactions, and the formation and upcoming programs of the FLCEO, part of EOX. He also shares his EO A-ha Moment, and why EO is meaningful to him.

This episode was recorded at The NCEO's Annual EO Conference in Seattle, Washington in April 2022.


Episode 204 Show Notes

About M. John Burgess

M. John Burgess

Partner at Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, ESOPs, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation

Board of Directors of the Florida Center for Employee Ownership

John is an attorney and CPA who helps business owners, executives, and other senior managers with all of their employee benefits. He also advises employee benefit plan committees, including 401(k) plan committees, on their fiduciary responsibilities and best practices. He’s worked with plans of all sizes, ranging from those sponsored by small, local companies with a few dozen participants to large, multi-national corporations with over 10,000 participants and billions in plan assets.

He is one of Florida’s leading experts on employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) and helps companies establish and maintain these plans. He also advises ESOP trustees during the course of an ESOP transaction, both buying and selling company stock. He helped establish the Florida Center for Employee Ownership and is on its Board of Directors. John is a regular speaker at conferences sponsored by the National Center for Employee Ownership and the ESOP Association, covering topics ranging from the technical to the cultural aspects of ESOPs. He is also the co-host of the ESOP Experience, a podcast where employee owners are interviewed, to get their perspective on what their ESOP means to them and their company.

About Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick:

Founded in 1925, Shumaker is a premier provider of legal and legislative services with a team of more than 270 lawyers and advisors, 50 paralegals, and 500 employees in its ten offices located in Toledo and Columbus, Ohio; Tampa, Sarasota, Tallahassee, and Dade City, Florida; Charleston and Greenville, South Carolina; Charlotte, North Carolina, and Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Shumaker provides quality legal counsel to their core constituency: individuals, small businesses, health care providers, nonprofit organizations, Fortune 500, and international corporations. Their mission is to work on their clients' timetable and budget, focus on results, and keep their clients ahead of the curve.

Shumaker recruits and retains top graduates from leading law schools and provides young lawyers with specialized training in the areas in which they practice. Many of Shumaker’s lawyers have advanced degrees in disciplines related to their practices and a number have clerked for federal and state trial and appellate court judges. Ninety-three of their lawyers are listed in the prestigious publication, Best Lawyers in America.

Shumaker is focused on being a positive and impactful difference maker for their clients and in the communities they serve. The firm is a strong supporter of nonprofit organizations in each of its locations and firmly believes in giving back to the communities it serves.

Bret Keisling, Passionate Advocat for Employee Ownership

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Standard Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are my own and don't represent those of my own firms or the organizations to which I belong. Nothing in the podcast should be construed as guidance or advice of any kind in any field and the fact that I mentioned an organizational website or an advocate or a company on a podcast does not reflect an endorsement, but if you've heard your name or your group's name mentioned on this podcast, I'd love to have you come on and talk about it yourself.


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