How to present the benefits of EO? The same way four passionate advocates for EO testified in February 2020, before a US House Small Business Committee hearing on the "Challenges and Benefits of Employee-owned Small Businesses."
Today we share some of the testimony from the advocates, including Daniel Goldstein, President and CEO of employee-owned Folience; R. L. Condra, Vice President of Advocacy and Government Programs, National Cooperative Bank; John Abrams, CEO and Co-owner of worker-owned cooperative South Mountain Company; and Mark Gillming, Senior Vice President, Messer Construction Company, an employee owned company headquartered in Cincinnati, OH, as well as comments from the committee chair and several members.
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The audio clips in this episode were quoted from the US House Committee on Small Business “Challenges and Benefits of Employee-owned Small Businesses" hearing held at 11:30 A.M. on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 in Room 2360 of the Rayburn House Office Building, and are used per 17 U.S.C. § 107: Fair Use. The full original of the source we quoted can be viewed on the House Small Business Committee channel in the public domain here.
Episode 104 Notes
We'd love to hear from you! To contact us, find us on Facebook at KEISOP, LLC and on Twitter @ESOPPodcast. To reach Bret, with one "T", email, on LinkedIn at Bret Keisling, and most actively on Twitter at @EO_Bret. Again, that's one "T". This podcast has been produced by The KEISOP Group, technical assistance provided by Third Circle, Inc. and BitsyPlus Design. Original music composed by Max Keisling, archival podcast material edited and produced by Brian Keisling.
Standard Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are my own and don't represent those of my own firms or the organizations to which I belong. Nothing in the podcast should be construed as guidance or advice of any kind in any field and the fact that I mentioned an organizational website or an advocate or a company on a podcast does not reflect an endorsement, but if you've heard your name or your group's name mentioned on this podcast, I'd love to have you come on and talk about it yourself.